
Most students choose to have regular lessons throughout each term. Following an initial consultation lesson, lessons are invoiced in half term blocks which coincide with the majority of. school terms and will vary slightly in length.

Regular termly lessons (until further notice)

Pamela Watkins

One to one regular lessons with Pamela Watkins are £28 per hour. Most singing students have either 30 minute or 45 minute long weekly lessons, though longer lessons and fortnightly lessons can be arranged.

Stephen Watkins

One to one regular lessons with Stephen Watkins are £37 per hour. Most piano students start with 30 minute lessons, moving up to 45 minute lessons at an intermediate level and 60 minute lessons when more advanced, though many adults choose longer lessons from the start.

Ad hoc occasional lessons (until further notice)

Sometimes a weekly commitment is not desirable, but the need for occasional lessons remains. In this case, our fees are slightly higher, at £31 per hour for lessons with Pamela, and £40 per hour for lessons with Stephen.

Cancellation Terms

Malvern Hills Music require 48 hours notice to cancel a regular or ad hoc lesson.  Lessons cancelled without notice may be made up by Stephen or Pamela at their discretion. To cancel regular lessons, half a term (6 weeks) notice is required or an invoice for fees in lieu of notice will be issued.

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